© 2013 T. Westermann

O soto gari - major outer sickle

TORI brings UKE by pulling with his left arm laterally out of balance and causes UKE to step with the left foot to the front or set his right foot backwards.

TORI sets his left leg, next to the body inclined to the left of UKE. TORI presses hard with his right arm UKE back-left and pulls the same time with his left arm toward the floor. He thus to move UKE's balance to the rear, with UKE's weight on the left leg. TORI bending forward while standing on his left leg slightly bent. He sets his right leg behind the right leg of UKE and swings this slight angled against UKE's right leg. UKE's leg is thereby "sickled". The contact points are the calves of the legs. The technique is performed with a slight twist of the chest and hips to the left; thereby TORI support its pressure of the right arm, which pushes UKE back-left.

This technique is very versatile, for example after an arm block, as a support for arm levers or also to bring the attacker while close body contact to the ground. The technique is similar to O soto otoshi but here the throw is considerably harder.