© 2013 T. Westermann

De ashi barai - foot sweep

UKE sets his right leg, either by himselve, or under the influence of a pulling movement of TORI's left arm forward. So the following starting points are possible:

To the first mentioned possibility is the optimum situation, it most closely matches the motion and effectiveness of the technique.

TORI brings his left foot forward, but it is not on the floor, but leads his left foot to the right ankle of UKE. TORI sweeps with his left foot sideways against the back of UKE's right ankle. While he continues to train his left arm, he presses UKE's left shoulder with his right hand heavily backwards. UKE falls on his left side.

Because the unencumbered leg of the attacker is swept, this technology can be used, if the attacker makes a step forward with the corresponding leg. The step will only be extended.