Visitors since October 2013

Supine position Lateral position Prone position

Techniques for fixation of the attacker

Fixation in the prone position

Strangulation, lever, pinning, proportionality, StPO

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The techniques shown are only intended to introduce the appropriate fixation on the ground. The starting position or use in differentiated attacks depends on the situation and is not binding.

As a starting point for the fixation the grip of the wrist (diagonally or opposite) was always selected as an attack!

1st technique:
Gayaku kote gatame
Hand/Finger lever
2nd technique:
Kote mawashi
Hand lever
3rd technique:
Ude hisigi hizi gatame
Elbow lever

The fixation in the prone position is the most advantageous fixation of the attacker on the ground, because he can not use his extremities to fight back in this position. In this position the arms and legs are completely restricted in their freedom of movement.

Supine position Lateral position Prone position
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